Howard Gussak is a retired federal law enforcement officer, and currently a firearms and tactical instructor near Sarasota, Florida.

He's also a patient of Dr. Barcomb's at West Coast Spine Center. He's suffered with serious back pain since 1984, after being involved in a rock climbing accident, and was told he would never walk again. After a friend told him about the Gonstead method, Howard went online and did some research. In the process, he found found Dr. Barcomb, and made an appointment.

Howard recounts his first appointment. "Dr Barcomb checked me out thoroughly. He took x-rays. He did something with thermographics where you can actually tell by the heat signatures on my back where swelling might be. Then he went over those x-rays and findings with me and explained specifically what needed to be done."

Meet Howard and Join him during a Gonstead Chiropractic treatment with Dr. Craig Barcomb.